Monday, August 21, 2006


Oh the sense of humor that God has. I mentioned in my last post that I want something specific, but I have to be patient and wait. I am sure that even though I spoke in generalities, anyone reading it would have realized what I was talking about.

I am trying so hard to be patient...

And yet, here comes the parade - raining down the ticker tape, reminding me that I have to be patient. I am not single because God doesn't love me. I am single BECAUSE God loves me and has the best in plan.

My plans are not His. I want to wait for His.

And it doesn't seem like it will be too hard seeing as how all the guys around me are way-too-young undergrads. The undergrad part isn't as annoying as the whole age thing... Some of the freshman class this year were born the year I was in kindergarten and first grade.

Wow. I'm old.


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