Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tchotchke Thursdays

1. (Yiddish) an attractive, unconventional woman [syn: chachka]
2. (Yiddish) an inexpensive showy trinket [syn: chachka]
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

In an effort to be more intentional about blogging (as requested by Sarah) I have decided to jump on the bandwagon of "Special Day" postings once a week. Tchotchke Thursdays will give you a glimpse into the inner workings of an unconventional woman...but if you call me cheap, I may just have to give you a good ol' conventional kick in the pants! ;-)

Tchotchke Thursdays will give you inexpensive (read: free) but valuable (at least to me) random knowledge. Several of you might be holding your breath right now because you are the wonderful recipients of my random knowledge every day...but no worries! I won't hold back on the everyday trivia just so I have something to write about here! You will just get to be doubly blessed! (Or triply, or quadrupally, get the picture).

Today, in an effort to get to know new people, and people I have known for awhile, I started a new game of "20 questions, my way" which involves me asking questions and you answering. Sometimes the question is serious...sometimes not. As we got into a discussion of love and marriage (what good would it be to work at a small Christian school and not talk about these two topics?) the idea of arranged marriages came up.

One student said, yes, absolutely. The other, absolutely not.

And then I wondered, What do other people think? So I did what I always do when I need a quick answer...I googled it!

And I have found a solution for the student who said no. Her concern was that you can't force love and you don't choose what your heart will want. How will you know if he is the one if you didn't choose him? But, never fear! I have found the scientifically proven way to determine if he is really the one for you, girls!

The "What are my chances the marriage will last" equation! Finally, a mathematical way to set my heart at ease! ( No more will I have to worry if he is really the one for me!

Sarah and Alicia - this one was for you! But now, I need sleep. :-)


Sarah Marie said... is about time you post. oh arranged marriages are my if there are any guys out there who are a fan also..let me know...:-)

Unknown said...

I think the subject of arranged marriage is coming up more and more asWesterners embrace Eastern thought. LATimes wrote a story on the subject and HBO is even planning a TV show on the concept:

website for the TV show:

Jacob said...

I look forward to your weekly postings on knowledge you interpret as 'valuable.' :)